5 povești cu și despre Instagram de citit pe Medium

5 povești cu și despre Instagram de citit pe Medium

Medium este platforma perfectă care te scapă de zgomotul marelui albastru Facebook sau de gălăgia pe care o găsești pe LinkedIn. Când vreau să citesc o poveste bună îmi închid toate tab-urile și deschid Medium.

S-a întâmplat să dau de câteva povești care sunt într-o strânsă legătură cu Instagram și pe care le-am salvat cu gândul că poate într-o zi am să le împărtășesc cu voi. Iată că acea zi a venit și azi vreau să vă las cu 5 povești pe care vi le recomand să le citiți.

Două dintre aceste povești sunt scrise de însuși co-fondatorul aplicației, Mike Krieger și în celelalte 3 veți afla cum un cont a fost ”suspendat” de Instagram și dat unei vedete, ce să nu faci pe Instagram și ceva pentru branduri.

Spor la citit!

1. Why I Unfollowed You on Instagram [link]

Every artist, model, restaurant chef, music star, blogger, or even Yoga instructor is now on this network and can produce its own content wih a few taps on their phone. Everyone has its own “Instagram show” and communicates with its own audience that is much more transparent and identified than on any other website.

2. Five Years of Building Instagram [link]

While our team has (thankfully) grown and evolved over the last 5 years, we’ve stayed committed to our mantra of doing the simple thing first, and are keeping it at the core of how we continue to scale into the next five years. Here’s a look at some of our biggest milestones from building Instagram over the past five years — the good, the bad, and the surprising.

3. How Instagram-native brands are making millions on mobile? [link]

These brands often have a small range of products; they are not too expensive and address huge markets. The teams behind them have understood how to communicate with people on mobile devices, and they are super talented brand specialists.

4. How Instagram closed my account and gave it to a football celebrity. [link]

I am a father who likes to take pictures of his kids, yummy food and interesting buildings in Madrid. I usually share them on Instagram with friends and family. But four days ago and without previous notice, Instagram decided to close my account. The reason was that I “infringed the Terms of Use”.

5. Why Instagram Worked [link]

People often ask how much of Instagram’s adoption we anticipated. Working on a startup is a balancing act: being crazy enough to believe your idea can take off, but not crazy enough to miss the signs when it’s clearly not going to. We grappled with both in the year before launching Instagram.