Irina Andreea Popescu aka @ipirinapa a preluat contul de Instagram al The Guardian

Irina Andreea Popescu aka @ipirinapa a preluat contul de Instagram al The Guardian

Și l-a predat înapoi, în perfectă stare de funcționare.

Acum vreo săptămână, Irina Andreea Popescu sau @ipiripina, după cum o vei găsi pe Instagram, publica prima sa poză pe contul oficial de Instagram @guardiancities, al The Guardian, o poză cu mesajul:

Hello, this is Irina @ipiripinapa and I am taking over @guardiancities this week to show you my city of #Bucharest, #Romania. In this first picture I am taking you along the Dâmboviţa River to the Old Town of the capital, although the weather is still very warm in September here, you can see the first signs of a beautiful and colourful autumn. #guardiancities

Apoi a continuat cu o sutită de poze de prin București, care, teoretic, au ajuns la cei peste 63 de mii de urmăritori ai contului din portofoliul The Guardian.      

Hello, this is Irina @ipiripinapa and I am taking over @guardiancities this week to show you my city of #Bucharest, #Romania. Stavropoleos Monastery was built in 1724, during the reign of Nicolae Mavrocordat by archimandrite Ioanichie Stratonikeas within the precinct of his inn where he built the church and a monastery. The inn and the monastery’s annexes were demolished at the end of the 19th century and all that remains from the original monastery is the church. The new building was constructed following the plans of architect Ion Mincu and it is built in a Brâncovenesc style and also shelters a library, a conference room and a collection of old icons and ecclesiastical objects recovered from churches demolished during the communist regim. #guardiancities

A photo posted by Guardian Cities (@guardiancities) on

Hello, this is Irina @ipiripinapa and I am taking over @guardiancities this week to show you my city of #Bucharest, #Romania. In 1843 the commission charged with building the theatre determined that the construction would cost 20,300 Austrian guilder (standard gold coins). The theatre was inaugurated on December 31, 1852, with the play Zoe. The historic theatre built in the Baroque style was destroyed during the Luftwaffe bombardment of Bucharest on August 24, 1944. The current National Theatre is located about half a kilometre away from the old site in University Square and has been in use since 1973. The new edifice reconstructed from 2010 to 2014 has 7 halls and it is considered the bigest and the latest theater edifice of Europe. #guardiancities A photo posted by Guardian Cities (@guardiancities) on

Am analizat media interacțiunilor pe care pozele Irinei le-a generat în cursul săptămânii, cât a preluat contul, și pot să-ți spun că nu e cu nimic mai prejos decât cele generate de pozele publicate înaintea ei. Iar asta înseamnă că The Guardian a făcut o alegere mai mult decât potrivită.

Da, putem spune fără rezerve că Ministerul de Turism al României suntem noi, cei care promovăm câte un colț de tară de ficare dată când avem ocazia. Fără a aștepta ceva în schimb.

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