Kiev pe Instagram – Before & After

Kiev pe Instagram – Before & After

Cei de la Esquire au făcut o galerie de fotografii instagram unde arată momente Before & After Kiev pe Instagram. Asta-mi aduce aminte de perioada când a lovit uraganul Sandy America şi se uploadau 10 fotografii pe secundă. Dar nu doar atât, unele fotografii îi ajutau pe oameni să localizeze unde mai există apă potabilă, curent etc.

Social media, particularly Instagram, gave a unique perspective of just how quickly normal life – civilized, cultured lives just like ours – can be plunged into darkness. The following images are a juxtaposition of what everyday people in Kiev were doing in the past few weeks, and how their world looks now. From selfies and food shots to fire and blood, these are images that drive home just how easy it is for everything we take for granted to be ripped away.  sursa