9 reguli esenţiale pe Instagram de la Jim Squires

9 reguli esenţiale pe Instagram de la Jim Squires

squiresFor your next campaign, if you could use no copy at all how would you do it? este întrebarea lui Jim Squires (director/market operation @Instagram) într-un interviu pentru Business Insider unde povesteşte despre advertisingul pe Instagram.

Squires punctează 9 lucruri importante atunci când un brand doreşte să-şi facă advertisingul pe Instagram:

  1. Clients are not allowed to repurpose images they previously used elsewhere, in other ads for instance.
  2. No heavy use of image filters.
  3. No text is allowed on ad imagery in Instagram.
  4. No gimmicks!
  5. Clients cannot put their logos on the ads (although if a product logo appears in a photo as a natural, non-obvious part of a scene, that is allowed).
  6. Images must be “true to your brand” — and not be cheesy or shocking.
  7. Ads should take their cues from existing creative community hashtags that are popular on Instagram.
  8. Ads should capture “moments,” not products. Ads must not simply be a product shot, in other words.
  9. Users will not see the same creative twice inside Instagram.

Ceea ce doreşte să facă Squires e să ducă nivelul de advertising pe Instagram la un alt nivel. – as a high-end, premium, exclusive, native ad solution. Adică tradus ar veni: Nu oricine. Nu orice. Nu oricât. Nu oricum! Teorie ce oarecum combate în momentul de faţă advertisingul pe Facebook.

Iar pentru a-şi educa viitori clienţi, Instagram şi-a [re]lansat blogul de business -> www.business.instagram.com

“Once that education is done it will be less of an issue. Still, advertising on Instagram will be unlikely to ever become automated or self-serve. Clients will have to work with the Instragram team to get their stuff on the platform. Eventually, we’ll see “Storytelling at massive scale”  Jim Squires – director/market operation @Instagram

Cred că Jim Squires a oferit 9 puncte esenţiale comunicării pe Instagram şi nu doar atunci când vrei să faci Sponsoder Ads.

Think about this!

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